Literacy Support

Receptive and expressive language skills are also integral to the reading and writing processes. Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) have the specialized knowledge and experience needed to identify communication problems and to provide the help that children need to build critical language and literacy skills. SLPs are often the first professionals to identify the primary cause of reading and writing problems as it relates to the child's difficulty with language acquisition. With the help of an SLP, children can build critical skills needed to succeed in school and in life.

Literacy intervention services begin with an extensive evaluation of written and oral language. Assessment addresses phonological awareness, alphabetic principle, reading fluency, reading comprehension, written expression as well as receptive and expressive oral language. The information from this evaluation provides differentiating patterns of specific strengths and weaknesses including unspecified reading disorder, developmental dyslexia, specific spelling difficulty, or oral language disorders.

Intervention for the above patterns is individualized to each child’s needs. Explicit instruction utilizes a multi-sensory approach to literacy skill development as recommended by the National Reading Panel. Instructional activities are designed optimize emergent literacy achievements.

There are three primary areas of literacy learning.  The intervention at this clinic address the following areas: Emergent Literacy lays the foundation for beginning reading, writing, and spelling for children 4-5 years old who are at risk for reading difficulties. This focuses on prerequisite literacy skills for success in kindergarten, addresses print awareness, book knowledge, early phonological awareness, enjoyment of reading, alphabet knowledge, and vocabulary building. It also includes emergent writing for beginning letter formation and early spelling skills. When children are Learning to Read, intervention provides individualized multi-sensory instruction as recommended by the National Reading Panel, for children who experience difficulty with reading fluency. This program establishes phonemic awareness skills, understanding that words are made of sounds. It also helps your child develop a logical understanding of how sounds are represented by letters at both the basic and advanced levels. Furthermore, Learning to Read strengthens fluency for reading words automatically and efficiently and practices spelling using code knowledge to increase accuracy. Lastly, when children are Reading to Learn, reading comprehension skills are instructed for children with specific weaknesses with oral language (understanding and expressing) and written language (reading and writing). This reinforces previous instruction of phonemic awareness and alphabetic code and applies skills to curriculum-based tasks and builds reading comprehension using oral language strategies to explain and learn from written material.

The primary resources employed at this Clinic include the Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes® and Reading Reflex: The Foolproof Phono-GraphixTM Method for Teaching Your Child to Read. Additional curricula are utilized as appropriate for each individual. These intervention services are provided to prevent or remediate difficulties in academic areas including word reading, reading fluency, and spelling so to meet the rigors of early elementary education and beyond.

Room 141 Pressey Hall
1070 Carmack Road
Columbus, OH 43210

Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm

Phone: 614 292-6251
TTY: 614 292-6251
Fax: 614 292-5723