Summer 2025 Prerequisite Bridge Program Course Offerings

SPHHRNG 3320D Principles of Phonetics

Provides articulatory and acoustic descriptions of speech sounds and a comparative study of phonetic transcription systems. 

Instructor: TBD

SPHHRNG 3330D Language Acquisition

Introduction to language acquisition in normal children. 

Instructor: Dr. Jennifer Lundine (

SPHHRNG 3340D Introduction to the Art and Science of Sound

Designed to teach the basic principles of acoustics to undergraduate students in the Arts and Sciences who have had little previous experience with math or biological and physical sciences. The student should gain an appreciation of the concepts underlying the generation, transmission and measurement of sound waves traveling through air. 

Instructor: Dr. Sarah Leopold (

SPHHRNG 3360D Observation in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology 

Observation in appraisal and treatment of communication disorders. 

*Prerequisite: SPHHRNG 2230

Instructor: Dr. Evelyn Hoglund (

SPHHRNG 4420D Anatomy, Physiology, and Science of Speech 

Anatomy and physiology of the structures involved in speech production and the acoustic characteristics of speech sounds. 

*Prerequisite: SPHHRNG 3320 and Biology 1101, 1102, 1113, or 1114

Instructor: Meredith Suhr (

SPHHRNG 4440D Anatomy, Physiology, and Science of Hearing 

The anatomical properties and physiological processes of the system of hearing and balance in humans and the stimulus processing capabilities of the normal auditory system. 

*Prerequisite: SPHHRNG 3340 and Biology 1101, 1102, 1113, or 1114

Instructor: Dr. Andrew Blank (

SPHHRNG 4540D Introduction to Audiology 

The nature, causes, identification, and rehabilitative treatment of persons with hearing disorders. 

*Prerequisite: SPPHRNG 4440

Instructor: Dr. Christina Roup  (

SPHHRNG 5732D Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation 

Assessment and management of communication disorders associated with hearing loss. 

*Prerequisite: SPHHRNG 4540

Instructor: Dr. Julie Hazelbaker (

*Some of the above courses require completion of specific prerequisites. If you did not complete the prerequisite at OSU, permission from instructor will be required. Please contact the instructor via email. If permission to enroll is granted, forward the permission message to department staff member, Mary Jo Keller, Current OSU Speech and Hearing Science students must follow the prerequisite rules as indicated by the course catalog. 

Each course is 3 credit hours. To register for more than 4 courses, contact department staff member, Mary Jo Keller,