Summer Prerequisite Bridge Program Registration

All students registering for Summer Prerequisite Bridge Program courses will be enrolled as Undergraduate Non-Degree (UNDG) seeking Extended Education (EEd) students for Summer 2025. If you are pursuing a degree at another institution, you will apply as a transient/visiting student. While this category of student is not eligible for financial aid from OSU, students may work with their home institution to set up a consortium agreement with OSU to seek financial aid eligibility.

Application Deadlines:

  • International (non-U.S. citizens) - April 11, 2025
  • Domestic (U.S. citizens) - April 11, 2025

Application Instructions

  1. Complete the online course registration form.
  2. For question 11, enter "SPHHRNG" for Department Name. Refer to course offerings for Course #s. (You can leave Class #s blank.)
  3. Upon submission of the online course registration form, OSUs Office of Technology of Digital Innovation will email you within 3-5 business days to confirm your status (i.e., new student, returning student) and will provide next steps for enrollment. Be sure to check spam folders! Please visit the Third-Party Contract Courses to learn more about the enrollment processes. Enrollment cannot be processed until the application process has been completed. 

New Students (no previous Ohio State enrollment): There is a $60 non-refundable application fee for new students ($70 for non-U.S. citizens.) New students must submit the appropriate application below. Although courses are taught online, please indicate "Columbus Campus" on the application. Applicants will pay the admissions application fee online (by credit card) when they submit the application. 

Domestic (U.S. Citizen) Applicants: April 11, 2025

Former transient/visitor students who have previously paid an application fee and enrolled with OSU at the college level (not as a high school student) may be eligible to apply as a returning student with no additional application fee. These students should contact the Extended Education Admission Counselor in the Office of Technology and Digital Innovation at 614-292-8860 to determine whether they are eligible for this option. 

International (Non-U.S. citizen) Applicants: To start the application process, international applicants should contact an international counselor in Undergraduate Admissions at and must pay a $70 application fee. 

Course Registration Process

After the application process is complete, Extended Education will register you for courses. 

OSU Account Activation for New Students

This step is only for students new to the university who don't already have their Ohio State username and password. Typically, 48 hours after admission, you will receive your unique OSU username or (lastname.# ). The lastname.# is issued by the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO). You may also obtain your lastname.# by emailing Once you have your lastname.#, go to and click Activate Now. 

Carmen Canvas

Courses will be administered via Carmen Canvas, OSU's online learning management system. Please note that online courses may not be available in your Carmen Canvas until 1-2 days prior to the start of classes. Technical Help: OSU IT Help for Students or call 614-688-HELP (4357). OSU username and email activation is required before accessing Carmen Canvas. 

Enrollment Verification and Fee Account 

A week before classes begin, students should check that they are correctly enrolled and that there are no incorrect fees appearing on their accounts. Go to My Student Center in BuckeyeLink. OSU username and email activation is required before accessing My Student Center. Fees for contract courses are processed as a group and are not posted to student fee accounts in the same manner as regular course enrollment but will appear as paid status on the student database. 

Holds on Record

Your registration will be cancelled if you were previously enrolled at OSU and there is a hold on your student record which is not cleared before enrollment processing. Holds can be viewed in BuckeyeLink

Health Insurance

It is important that you have coverage for unexpected medical care during the time you are enrolled in your contract course(s). International registrants are required to have at least $50,000 of medical benefits per accident or illness or be fully sponsored by their government. Note that enrollment in contract courses is exempt from OSU Student Health Insurance coverage. 

Drop Requests and Refunds

Requests to drop any/all course(s) must be sent to department staff member, Mary Jo Keller, Refunds will be issued for drop requests received by June 6, 2025. Beyond that date, no refunds can be issued.  To avoid a withdrawal (W) grade on their record, drop requests must be received by June 13, 2025.

Name Change

If you were previously enrolled at OSU and your name has changed, complete a Request for Change of Record.