AuD Program Costs and Funding

This information serves to provide an estimate of expected costs associated with the AuD program over four years of enrollment. Please note that while we have tried to account for most expenses, this list is not exhaustive and is subject to change. Tuition and fee rates are updated in mid-July for the upcoming academic year. 

Typical AuD One Semester Statement of Account for 8 credit hours and above*--Ohio Resident**:

Instructional Fee Speech-Audiology $6445.00

                        General Fee-Audiology $250.00

              Student Activity Fee Graduate $37.50

                             COTA Bus Service Fee $13.50

       Student Legal Services Annual Fee $40.00

                 Recreational Fee OSU RPAC $130.00

                     Student Union Facility Fee $74.40

                                                  TOTAL $6,990.40

*Refer to AuD Program Curriculum for required credit hour totals per term. If enrollment is under 8 credit hours, fees and surcharges listed on the Fee Table are multiplied by the amount of hours enrolled. Per credit hour fee does not exceed 8 hours. For example, if a student is enrolled in 14 credit hours in a given semester, they are charged for 8 credit hours.

**Not an Ohio Resident?

Non-Ohio Residents are assessed a Non-Resident surcharge of $1,802.44 per credit hour (up to 8 credit hours). For instance, under the current year fees, non-Ohio residents are charged an additional $14,419.52 per semester if enrolled for 8 credit hours or more.

Ohio residency for tuition purposes is managed by the Registrar’s Office at OSU. If you would like to inquire about establishing Ohio residency, please refer to: Ohio Residency for Tuition. There is an option on that webpage to request support or chat with a Residency Counselor under Residency Support.

Additional Costs

  • Student Health Insurance
  • Calipso system ($125 one-time fee)
  • Parking (CampusParc) - a West Campus (WC) pass will allow you to park near Pressey Hall for approximately $14/mo.
  • Background Checks ($61.70 per year)
  • CPR certification
  • Immunizations
  • Textbooks
  • Transportation to external sites: It is the student's responsibility to ensure they have reliable transportation and can cover fuel costs to external placement sites, which may be located up to one hour outside of Columbus.
  • Praxis Exam (year 4) $146


The Department of Speech and Hearing Science is limited in the number of students that can be offered financial support. Current departmental policy regarding financial support is to prioritize PhD students followed by students in the professional graduate programs (Au.D. and MA-SLP.)

Prospective students are encouraged to visit the section on financing graduate education located on the Graduate School website. This source provides information about the various University and national fellowships administered by the Graduate School. For more info on Federal Financial Aid, visit OSUs Financial Aid website

Faculty in the Department of Speech and Hearing Science may have a funded grant providing financial support to students. Decisions on which students are selected for this type of support are based on the students’ academic merit, judged research potential, and most importantly, the discretion of the faculty member.

Graduate Associateships

A limited number of GA positions are available from the Department of Speech and Hearing Science each year. More may be available through individual faculty grants from outside funding sources or administrative offices at Ohio State, as well as outside the Department of Speech and Hearing Science.

  • GA Appointments are normally made for no more than one year at a time. Typically, all GA positions are posted mid-Spring Semester with an expected start in Autumn semester. Positions that become available at other times will be posted as soon as possible after the opening is confirmed by the Department Chair. In most cases, this will be at least one term before the appointment is scheduled to begin.
  • Summer GA Appointments Normally, the number of GA appointments made during summer sessions is reduced. Some are made from individual research grant funding and some from outside administrative sources. The likelihood of summer appointment will be made clear to any GA upon request.