Sandwich Stroll participants checking out swallowing info with Dr. Kantarcigil and Nicole Wiksten

From left: Melody Culbert (SLP at OSU East), Kirah Pringle, Cheyenne Marshall, Nicole Wiksten, Tori Glowacki, Jessica Timog, Morgan Lunsford

Tori Glowacki conducting swallow screening

Cheyenne Marshall provides cognitive screening

Maria Di Meglio, Nicole Wiksten, and Mindy Agranofff at pdNextSteps event
Swallow Clinic News
Dr. Cagla Kantarcigil and Nicole Wiksten represented the OSU Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic at the Sandwich Stroll by Upper Arlington Parks and Recreation. This event is for seniors in the area to learn about relevant resources while taking a walk in the park with a sandwich lunch at the end. They were provided resources about swallowing disorders and the services provided by the clinic if needed.
Clinicians from the OSU Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic participated in OSU Wexner Medical Center's Health Community Day this summer. This is a community event where medical services and education are provided to people in the area free of charge. MA-SLP graduate clinicians provided cognitive and swallow screenings under the supervision of community speech language pathologists. The patients were so grateful for all the care they received that day. Graduate clinicians also appreciated the service learning opportunity!
Graduate speech language pathology clinicians provided swallow screening for a fitness organization for people with Parkinson's Disease called pdNextSteps. The members gather for fitness classes and educational opportunities to maintain function as much as possible. Their motto is "Keep moving...because you can!" They want to keep swallowing well as long as possible, so screenings are provided yearly.
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