Left to right: Hayley Laycock and Tessa Castrejon

Alison Reynolds and patient from the trip last fall.
AuD student, Haley Laycock, and MA-SLP student, Tessa Castrejon, will be partnering with Entheos Audiology Cooperative and going to Guatemala for another Hearing the Call Humanitarian opportunity in June. Laycock participated in the fall along with fellow AuD student, Alison Reynolds, and is returning to continue to support the mission--and the people at Hearing the Call are thrilled to have her return. Castrejon will be going for the first time and will help interpret and also educate parents and their families about communication.
The trip to Guatemala was so much more than I imagined. I knew going into it that I’d get a ton of hands-on practice and that I’d be able to connect with audiologists that had similar interests as me, but I got so much more than that. I was able to practice the skills I had gained in class, but I was also able to learn skills ahead of my classes, observe surgery, and build so many friendships. Learning about the history of Guatemala and how there is only one audiologist to service the entire country, and patients were walking three hours or taking five-hour bus rides to get to our clinic, made each interaction feel so important." -Haley Laycock
Both students need to raise funds to help support their travel, which is standard with mission work. Funding links are listed below should you be interested in supporting them.
- Haley Laycock www.givebutter.com/haleylaycockguatemala
- Tessa Castrejon https://gofund.me/da3d5e44