Dr. Harnish Awarded Grant from NIH

Dr. Harnish Awarded $2.3 Million Grant from NIH to Investigate Genetic Links to Recovery from Aphasia
Stacy Harnish (Associate Professor in Speech and Hearing Science) with co-investigators Christopher Bartlett (Nationwide Children’s Hospital), Jeff Pan (Biomedical Informatics), Stephen Petrill (Psychology), David Osher (Psychology), and Vivien Lee (Neurology) were awarded a five-year, $2.3 million grant from the National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders. The project will investigate patient-specific factors that may influence response to therapy for language impairment after stroke, or aphasia. Results from this work will assist with better estimation of prognosis for stroke survivors with aphasia, which could empower patients and families to make more informed health care decisions about how to pursue the most appropriate rehabilitation services based on their unique characteristics, such as genetics, cognitive skills, and brain structure after stroke.