Nicole Viola and Jessica Timog Awarded Fellowships to ANCDS Conference

Nicole Viola (PhD candidate) and Jessica Timog (MA/PhD student) have both been awarded 2024 Student Fellowships to the Academy of Neurologic Communication Sciences and Disorders (ANCDS) annual conference. They will join 10 other graduate students who were chosen based on their research interests, passion, and dedication to the area of neurogenics. ANCDS strives to improve the quality of life for people with neurologically-based communication impairments through research, education, and advocacy. Their fellowship award includes assignment of an ANCDS mentor, complimentary registration at the ANCDS 2024 Annual Scientific & Business Meeting, as well as a one-year ANCDS student membership. Nicole and Jess are both students in Dr. Lundine’s Childhood Cognition, Communication, and Brain Injury (CABI) Lab. Congratulations, Nicole & Jess! We are proud of you and your work!