Ohio Academy of Audiology - Student Poster Session Winners

The Ohio Academy of Audiology recently hosted a Student Poster Session at the Ohio Audiology Conference (Feb 22-23, 2013). The purpose of the session was to recognized and promote doctoral student research in the fields of audiology and hearing science. The session provided an opportunity for students to share their research and to receive input regarding their research from the Audiologist's of Ohio. Five Ohio State University Au.D. students presented research posters: Marie Neel (1st year), Amy Stewart (1st year), Ellen Hambley (2nd year), Traci Hammond (3rd year), and Megan Kobel (3rd year). Cash prizes were awarded to the top three poster presentations: 3rd place went to Amy Stewart, 2nd place went to Megan Kobel, and 1st place went to Traci Hammond.