Student Receives Prestigious Award
Congratulations to Jennifer Lundine, a doctoral student in Speech and Hearing Science for being selected as a recipient of the 2013 Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders & Sciences (ANCDS) Conference Fellowship Award. As part of the fellowship, Jennifer was paired with a mentor, Dr. Carl Coelho for the ANCDS Fall Conference and the 2014 membership year.
Dr. Coelho is Professor in the Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences at the University of Connecticut. He is an ASHA fellow and Board Certified by ANCDS. Jennifer’s fellowship award includes a one year ANCDS membership for the 2014 membership year, free registration for attendance at the ANCDS 2013 Fall Conference, a complementary ticket to a Scholar-Mentor Networking Breakfast in honor of the fellowship recipients, and a complementary ticket to the ANCDS 2013 Fall Conference Luncheon.