The Department of Speech and Hearing Science is excited to announce that four new faculty and staff members joined the department this semester. We are so pleased to introduce them!

Nahar Albudoor, Ph.D., CCC-SLP is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Speech and Hearing Science at The Ohio State University, where she directs the Child Language Variation & Technology (CLVT) Lab. Dr. Albudoor's work strives to improve outcomes for linguistically diverse children with speech/language disorders through advancements in clinical technology. Her research investigates: 1) Typical and atypical patterns of speech/language development among children who speak non-mainstream languages and dialects; 2) Culturally responsive assessment and intervention, and 3) The feasibility and implementation of clinical technology to assess and treat childhood speech/language disorders.

Jissel B. Anaya, Ph.D., CCC-SLP is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Speech and Hearing Science at The Ohio State University. Her research at the Language and Literacy Assessment in Multilingual Acquisition (LLAMA) Lab focuses on assessing the development of language and literacy skills in multilingual children with and without developmental language disorder and/or dyslexia. Her work aims to advance assessment and intervention practices for bilingual populations. Through workshops and trainings, Dr. Anaya advocates for the use of evidence-based practice to provide accurate diagnoses and appropriate services for culturally and linguistically diverse pediatric populations.
Amy Custer joined the Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic as an audiology clinical preceptor.
Laura Mackner joined the Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic office staff.