

Eric Healy

Dr. Eric W. Healy Awarded $1.8 Million Grant

Eric Healy, associate professor, Department of Speech and Hearing Science, and DeLiang Wang, professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, were awarded a five-year $1.8 million grant…

Sander Flaum and Archie Griffin

Sander and Mechele Flaum Communication Scholarships for Fluency Treatment Sessions

Sander Flaum has been a stutterer since he was five years old. He has also been head of his high schools Honor Society and its newspaper editor. He is an alumnus of The Ohio State University, an…

Eric Healy

Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America

Dr. Eric Healy has been elected a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America.Announcement of his election and presentation of his Fellowship Certification will be made at the June 2013 ASA…

Robert Fox and Roy Koenigsknecht

2012 ASHA Honors Recipients

Robert Fox, chair and professor, and Roy Koenigsknecht, professor, Department of Speech and Hearing Science, were recently honored by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) for…

Mary Beth Schmitt working with child

2012 ASHF Student Research Grant

Mary Beth Schmitt, doctoral candidate in the Speech and Hearing Science Department, was awarded the 2012 American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation Student Research Grant in Early Childhood…


Hearing Sciences - A Foundational Approach, Lawrence L. Feth and John D. Durant

Dr. Lawrence L. Feth received a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from Ohio State (1965) and the PhD from the University of Pittsburgh (1969). He did postdoctoral work in Experimental Psychology…

OSU logo

Driving Simulation Lab

A collaborative effort between The Ohio State Office of Research and Honda R & D Americas, Inc. has resulted in a world class driving simulator. Watch the video to see an interview with Speech…

Charlena Seymour

2011 Distinguished Alumni Award

Charlena Seymour, Ph.D. has been selected as the 2011 recipent of the Distingished Alumni Award in the Department of Speech & Hearing Science. In recognition of Alumni that have made a…