Here are some graduate student awards and accolades that were brought to our attention over the summer and this fall. Well done, PhD, AuD, and MA-SLP students!

Kristina Bowdrie (AuD-PhD) won Best Student Poster in Audiology at the CI2022 Conference in Washington, D.C. in May 2022 Her research titled, “The Interaction between Temperament and Family-Related Environmental Confusion on Spoken Language” was advised by Professors Rachael Frush Holt and Derek Houston.

Victoria Diedrichs (PhD) received the prestigious New Century Scholars Doctoral Scholarship. The American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation acknowledged award recipients during the ASHA Convention in New Orleans on Friday, Nov. 18 during the ASHFoundation Founders Breakfast.

Izabela Jamsek (AuD-PhD) was awarded the Jerry Northern Scholarship in Pediatric Audiology from the American Academy of Audiology.

Devan Lander (AuD-PhD) was the first student in our department to receive a Columbus-Athens Schweitzer Fellowship. The mission of the organization is to prepare the next generation of professionals and has provided a relationship with the Columbus Free Clinic.

Leonie Ly (MA-SLP) was awarded the 1st Place Scholarship from Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association (OSLHA) this year. Congratulations, Leonie, on this well-deserved honor!

Alicia Parsons (MA-SLP) received the National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association (NSSLHA) Scholarship, which recognizes undergraduate seniors who are accepted into a graduate program in communication sciences and disorders.

Rasmia Shraim (MA-SLP) has been accepted into the ASHA Minority Student Leadership Program (MSLP).

Meredith Suhr (MA-SLP-PhD) was selected to attend Penn State's AAC Doctoral Student Think Tank. The Think Tank brought together over 35 doctoral students and faculty to discuss strategies for developing research careers in AAC.

Stephanie Xin (AuD) is this year's Julie S. Kelly Scholarship Recipient awarded by the Ohio Academy of Audiology.