Dr. Fox with his wife, Carol, and Brutus
Robert Fox's tenure as Department Chair ends on June 30, 2023. Department Vice Chair, Eric Bielefeld, will become the next Department Chair on July 1, 2023. Dr. Fox took a moment to reflect on his career as Chair and shared the following with us:
You have served as Chair of the Department of Speech and Hearing Science since 1995. What achievements, moments, accomplishments, etc., stand out from the past 28 years?
I have been Department Chair for 28 years. A long time. I managed to surpass the time that Dr. John Black (an eminent scholar) spent as head of the program (he was not a “Chair” as we were not a Department then). Frankly, one of my personal, selfish goals was to “beat his record.” I did, but I seem to have beaten many Chair records across the College too. However, I have very much enjoyed (although that seems too strong a word) my experience as Chair. I can only hope that our faculty and staff have had the same experience and emotions! In terms of changes in the Department over that span of time, I believe that we have emerged as a Department that is very strong in both research (foundational and clinically oriented) and clinical applications. We have been ranked in the top 10% of programs in both speech-language pathology and audiology. We have nationally recognized positions in national and international organizations and have faculty who are Fellows and Honors recipients in ASHA, ASA and AAA. I feel humbled by the fact that I was able to help hire the outstanding faculty that we have in our Department today. Over 28 years, there are so many valuable and memorable moments (some good, some bad) that I have had that I cannot list them here. Just know that I remember and value each one of them (particularly given the pie-in-the-face from Brutus Buckeye); I do miss the student/faculty intermural softball teams that we had (I was usually the catcher); I still have the softball equipment in my main office closet (along with an old “typewriter” that still works and hasn’t been used in decades). I have benefitted in so many ways as a faculty member (and Chair) of Speech and Hearing Science that I cannot express them. Thanks, everyone, for your participation in and contributions to the Department. It is truly why I think I have been successful as Chair.
What’s next for you? Are there any activities you’re looking forward to?
I plan to continue research in the Speech Perception and Acoustics Laboratory as an Emeritus Professor and interact with colleagues in the Department. I still have many datasets that have not been analyzed that I look forward to exploring. I do not regret giving up administrative duties (as Chair), but I will miss teaching (but I’m available for Phonetics and Multicultural courses if the need arises). On the personal front, I hope to spend more time near Lake Erie (especially in the summer) and playing Pickle Ball with my wife Carol in Lakeside OH and fishing and walking. I hope to continue to interact with undergraduate and graduate students that I have mentored in the past. I will remain a staunch Buckeye!! And will continue to attend OSU football and basketball games (no soccer for me).
Thank you for your dedicated service, Dr. Fox! We look forward to celebrating with you very soon!