Clinical Assistant Professor, Bridget Chapman, featured by NBC4 to celebrate International Stuttering Awareness Day
Celebrate International Stuttering Awareness Day
Reframing Telepractice
Rachel Yager and Claire Goecke, two 2nd year M.A. SLP students created and recorded a virtual presentation for SLPs in Columbus City Schools (CCS) titled “Reframing Telepractice for School-…
Grant Awarded
We are excited to announce that Dr. Jennifer Lundine (Assistant Professor in Speech & Hearing Science) was awarded a two-year R03 grant from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of…
The SLP's Role in Mental Health
Sophia Nichols, a 2nd year M.A. SLP student, presented a talk titled "The SLP's Role in Mental Health" to an interdisciplinary group of speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, and…
Edward F. Hayes Graduate Research Forum Award
Karen Perta, a second-year doctoral student in Speech and Hearing Science, won an award – 3rd place winner – at the Edward F. Hayes Graduate Research Forum on February 28, 2020. She had a…
Center for Cognitive & Brain Science Award
Elise Brubaker, a fourth year Speech & Hearing science major and research assistant in Dr. Lundine’s Childhood Cognition, Communication, and Brain Injury (CABI) Lab, was awarded second place…
Dr. Yune Lee Awarded Grant from NIH
Description: Dr. Yune Lee was recently awarded with NIH's R21 grant for the Sound and Health initiative (…
Dr. Jennifer Lundine and Dr. Angela Ciccia (Case Western Reserve) Win $2.2 Million Grant from the CDC
Dr. Angela Ciccia (Case Western Reserve University Dept of Psychological Sciences) with Dr. Jennifer Lundine (The Ohio State University Dept of Speech & Hearing Science) are excited to…
Dr. Harnish Awarded Grant from NIH
Dr. Harnish Awarded $2.3 Million Grant from NIH to Investigate Genetic Links to Recovery from Aphasia
Stacy Harnish (Associate Professor in Speech and Hearing Science) with co-…